Getting First Lutheran (or any Website) on Your Phone's Home screen
If you'd like quick access to First Lutheran's Website on your phone or tablet, follow the instructions below to do so. You can use this method to make a button for any website you visit frequently.
Get out your phone, and turn it on.
Open the browser on your phone, likely Chrome for Android and Safari for Apple products. This method won't work if you just search for the website from you home screen, you MUST open your browser.
Go to It should look something like this.
Select the dropdown menu on your phone. This is the three dots in the upper right hand corner on Android and the box with the arrow pointing up at the bottom of the screen on Apple. (Perhaps that makes it an "pushup" menu?)
On android, select the option "Add to Home Screen" then "Add" to confirm your choice. On Apple, the menu is formatted differently, but the selections are very similar. You will need to scroll down a bit and select "Add to Home Screen" Then select "Add" to confirm your choice. You may also need to select "Done."
You should now have a button on your home screen that will take you directly to First's website when you select it. You can move this button around, group it with others, and delete it just like any other app icon on your phone.
I hope this was helpful and makes our website even more useful to you.