What Can You Do?
I’m someone you might call a jack of all trades. Over the years I’ve developed a lot of skills to help keep my house in working order, my yard and garden growing well, and myself well fed. So, when the question is asked, “Can you do this?” My answer is often, “Sure can!”…
Unless it’s, “Nope.”
Knowing your skillset and knowing the skillset that is present within an organization is an important step to knowing better who you are and what it is possible to accomplish. If you’ve got the skills present, then the answer, at least as possibilities are concerned is, is an easy, “Yes that is possible.” Then you can go on to discuss, whether it meets passions and purposes, but it is possible. If the skills are not present, then the answer is either, “No we can’t.” or “We’d need to learn how to do that first.” To that end, as we gathered in the large visioning group we came up with the following list of skills that are present within the people of First Lutheran Church:
In my time as your pastor, I’ve seen these skills and many others at work. I invite you to add to this list in the comments section below to help fill it out so we have an even better list of skills that are present in our midst.